Thursday, July 29, 2010

Upside Down

Since today marks the date in which the controversial SB 1070 law is set to go into effect, I thought I would share some thoughts about this heated debate.

When this law was first brought to the public's attention a couple months back, I decided I better read the whole thing to see what it really said. I also read a lot of commentary on the law, from both sides of the debate. I was, and still am opposed to this law. As I read the law, I felt like I was reading something from World War 2 or even something similar to the Jim Crow Laws. I don't mean to over dramatize it, and I realize the injustice that most immigrants deal with in our country is not comparable to the Holocaust or slavery, but what is comparable is the blatant hatred for another people group. The language used in the law and also by the Arizona Governor and other officials supporting the law is plain dehumanizing. If you look or talk like an immigrant and don't have your proof of citizenship on you at all times, you are breaking the law. If you are undocumented and simply look for a job in order to feed your family, you are breaking the law. If you give a ride to an undocumented friend, you are breaking the law (If this law applied to California, I would technically be breaking this portion of the law just about every week!) I just don't think this is how God would have us handle the issue. Thankfully, most of the harsher parts of this law were blocked by a federal judge, but it still leads me to think deeply about what is happening.

As an activist for God's Kingdom, my constant thought is, "What is the Church's role in all of this?" When I look at scripture and how Christ interacted with people, I can't help but think that we can do better than this. I also find myself asking the question, "If God's Kingdom is upside down...what does this mean for us, right here, right now?"
I get it. Terrorism is scary. Unemployment is scary. Change is scary. People that don't look or talk like us can be scary. Poor neighborhoods are scary. But what if we threw out our rights as Americans and embraced the rights Christ has given to all of us: the right to live free, the right to love and be loved, the right to lay our lives down for a friend. What if we put other people before ourselves? What if we put, dare I say it, Illegal Immigrants before ourselves? I think this issue is difficult for so many people because if you look at it from a purely American perspective your conclusion will be something along the lines of, "They are breaking our laws. They are taking our jobs. They are taking our healthcare. They are taking our tax money." Very self centered, to say the least. But even if this was all true (which there are countless studies to show that these statements are not completely accurate), what would happen if we took our American glasses off and looked through a Scriptural lens. If we took serious the scripture that asks us to humble ourselves, share all we have with those in need, lose our lives in order to gain it, welcome the stranger, love ALL people as Christ loved us...then how would this change our perspective? How would we look at our tax money, our jobs, our health care? God's Kingdom is upside down. So why do we think we are entitled to more rights, opportunities and benefits than those who were born somewhere else, just because the kingdom of the world tells us we are? Some of you might be thinking, "But what about the scripture that tells us to follow the laws of the land." Yes, I think it is important to be law abiding people, when appropriate and when possible. But friends, Jesus broke the "law of the land" did Paul, Timothy, and most of the people from the New Testament. When it comes to people's survival vs. laws that do not align with God's justice, I think there is plenty of grace for those who chose to survive. I think God is calling us to extend that grace to our undocumented brothers and sisters. If you were in their place, wouldn't you want the same?

I think about a guy from the shelter who was forced to smuggle drugs across the border and on his eighteenth birthday, ICE came to his foster home and arrested him. I think about my friend from the neighborhood who was brought here as a young child because his parents were desperate to make a better life for their family, and now he is an adult with virtually no rights. I think about the family who was just torn apart because of an unlawful raid that took place at a factory in Fullerton. I think about a friend who was abandoned in his home country by his parents, brought here legally to live with an adopted family, and is now out of status because his school did not file the correct form. I think about every single person who lives in the tension of should I do what is "lawful" or should I do what I have to do to survive.

Then I think about how we have responded to these people.

Church, we can do better. We can love these people better.

"Transformation is not easy. In truth, it’s very, very difficult. While we need the political will to transform our society, and leadership to get it done, we also need to be personally transformed, and we need to act as agents of transformation. If we fail to think and act differently, if we fail to change the way immigration is understood and debated in this country, we will fail our neighbors, our children, and our God. We have to choose to be transformed, and we have to choose to be active participants in the transformation of our society for good."


  1. Very well said, B! I love what was declared at the courthouse yesterday in protest of the SB 1070: "The crowd clapped and started chanting, 'Migrants, hang on, the people are rising up!'" I love standing beside you and the rest of our brothers and sisters in this fight :)

  2. Mrs. Anderson, you make me want to say amen a lot... and you know that is not a word I throw around lightly.

  3. Love it. Glad to be alongside you in the struggle.

  4. Or... Undocumented workers are letting drug cartels run Mexico, because the best people from that country are in the US.

    The Church needs to create a movement empowering Undocumented workers to move home... IN DROVES not one or two we need to literally create movement!

    Personally I am not a fan of legislating much of anything because it doesn't deal with problems... but I get it. I get both sides of the issue I respect both sides of the issue...Honesty the evil isn't the law its the injustice that happens in another country!

    Its not a side covered well by anyone...

    P.S. The AZ law has been on California's books for 30 years almost word for word.. FYI

  5. Thank you for reading, "Anonymous". Sorry it has taken me so long to respond...I have been on vacation.

    Anyway, I actually find it quite absurd that the plight of Mexican Immigrants looking for a better life is somehow to blame for the corruption in Mexico. Good people trying to do what's best for the families are forcing bad people to do bad things??? I can not wrap my head around that logic.

    Although I agree the Church around the world has a responsibility and calling to come along side the church's in Mexico and Central America and be apart of a larger solution to the tragic social issues in those countries, I think it is unrealistic to suggest we (and by "we", I mean Christian Americans) somehow know what is best for each of the 12 million+ undocumented people living here. If we "create a movement" sending back all those without proper paper work, we would be splitting apart families, sending young people back to countries they do not even know, and creating a DRASTIC hole in our economy and society. I do believe that a large part of the issue lies in the countries people are coming from, but I am not so naive to think the United States government does not have a role to play in this. Our government was actually who opened the door for Mexicans and Central Americans to come here as farm workers but then proceeded to treat them as second class citizens, limiting their rights and then eventually "closing the door" leaving millions of people in limbo.

    I think it is important for us to remember the individual and not lump the millions of people together as if they each do not have value and worth as an individual person. Something to think about is maybe these people do not want to go "home" or maybe some of these people consider the US their home, since many have lived here for practically their entire lives.

    I appreciate you reading and hope you will continue to do so, as I pray God will soften your heart to our Immigrant brothers and sisters and allow all of us to not be so arrogant to believe we somehow have the right to decide what is best for all of the undocumented people living in our Country. I hope we can also keep in mind that we, as Americans, pretty much have the "right" to travel, visit, and even live in the majority of countries world wide. As we reflect on that, let us humble ourselves and extend the same grace and respect we expect from the rest of the world
